
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This last weekend brought warmer temperatures and with it fog. I was happy to hop over 2 electric fences through a cow pasture to set up in the woods amongst the hunters. Don't worry, I had blaze orange on...
12x16". Oil on canvas.

By Hartje Lumber.

The winter poses a new question for the landscape painter, "Where the heck am I supposed to park my car?" Last saturday I found a nice cleared off area out by the lumber yard.
12x16 oil on canvas. $200.

I returned the next day and captured the sun peeking through the clouds.
12x16 oil on canvas. $200.

Kruise Farm.

I'd painted this back in October and figured it deserved a visit in winter. I'm glad they are sanding that road up the hill!
12x16 oil on canvas. $220.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Grede Foundries.

The temperatures were in the single digits when I went painting friday evening. How can such a warm sunset happen on such a cold day?
12x16 oil on canvas. $240.

More Snow Bales.

Saturday brought warmer temperatures and a bit of a thaw. I made it out to Robert Roeckers farm mid morning and once again painted these bales.
16x20 oil on canvas. $320.

Baraboo News Republic

Wednesday I was in Baraboo getting a tooth pulled. I decided that it would be a good idea to set up my easel downtown and paint. The local newspaper sent a reporter over to take some photo's and I ended up on the front page:

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wet Snow

This morning I went to the grocery store to buy some mixed nuts as I wanted to set up and paint a still life. It was snowing and I thought I'd better stay indoors after my experience with the drifting snow and wind. On the way home I couldn't help to get the "itch" to paint outdoors, and after finding an overhang that was relatively dry I set up and painted this. So much for good intentions!
16x20 oil on canvas.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Snow Bales

These bales were the last chore my dad finished in his lifetime. It was so cold and windy when I painted this that not only were my brushes buried under drifting snow, but my water bottle completely froze. I'm looking forward to some of those nice calm and sunny winter days!
12x16 oil on canvas.

Last Day of Autumn

I was glad Chris and I made it out one last time before the snowfall. This piece was painted at high noon, I was drawn to the play of light and shadow on the barn roof. After this we grabbed lunch at the Gone Fish Inn in Mt. Vernon. 16x20 oil on canvas.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rest in Peace Dad - We Love You!

Rest in Peace Dad _ I love you!
You were such an inspiration to me.
You taught me hard work and how to make the right choices.
You always took the time to take me to the batting cages and pitch balls to me.
You were never too tired to play basketball with me.
You tried to ollie on my skateboard, just for fun.
You would move your farm equipment around for me so I could have a better compostion to paint it from.
You fixed my bug up, the car I loved, in secret and gave it to me. I'll never forget riding around with you in it this year.
When you saw me on t.v. you said you were proud of me, Dad, this was the absolute BEST moment in my life.
Dad, I wish I could have been there sooner. I wish I'd painted at the farm that day.
Dad, we prayed over your body, we didn't want you to go.
Dad, we miss you so much, you were the backbone of this family. You are the reason I moved back here from madison. I have always respected you so much, but I never could find the right words to tell you. You taught me to be proud.
We miss you and Love you Dad.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The evening comes quicker than I'd like. These nocturns came from neccesity and were a nice change of pace.
10x20 oil on canvas.
16x20 oil on canvas.

Brown Cow...

...cheesecake, from the Deli Bean!
12x12 oil on canvas


I was stuck inside with a bad cold last week. These portrait/figure studies were fun to work on, you couldn't ask for a better model!
11x14 oil on canvas. Sold.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gravity Box

My Dad pulled up with this gravity box and parked it in the corn field. The light was right, I took shelter from the sun behind some round bales and went to work.
11x14 oil on canvas.

Out by the corn field.

I painted the barn while my Dad milked the cows. It rained, it snowed, the sun shined and the wind blew my easle over all while painting this.
18x24 oil on canvas.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Main Street, late afternoon

I've been thinking about painting this for a few months and once the leaves started to change I knew it was the right time.
16x20 oil on canvas

Monday, October 20, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Bottom of Snake Hill

Looking into Reedsburg, this is a farm with a view.
10x20 oil on canvas.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Reedsburg's own Monet

By Emily Bialkowski/Times-Press

REEDSBURG — He parks his car, sets up his easel and starts to paint. Sounds simple enough, and it is. But this Reedsburg-born artist is unaccustomed to the positive attention he and his art have received as of late.
"I'm so used to people not 'feeling' me doing stuff. When I was skateboarding no one liked skateboarders. But yea, painting, the community is just stoked," said Kyle Martin standing in the middle of a parking stall on Vine Street.
Covered in paint, smiling and whisking oils across a canvass, Martin works on his 170th painting of the year.
"I always kind of had it in the back of my mind; I wanted to paint. It's a lost art form. Their aren't many people doing it," he said.
A friend walks out of a nearby business.
"Casey!" Martin says.
"I saw you down by Park and Third."
"Yeah, I was their Sept. 15," Martin recalls with uncanny precision. "I was painting the church. I've painted that six times."
The friend chats for awhile and retreats to his work.
"I love painting on cloudy days. I love painting in the rain," Martin said.
Woolen Mill Art Gallery owner Donna Neuwirth, who is known for her artistic expertise, has took to Martin's paintings as well and allowed him to have an installation at her downtown showroom in September.
"His painting is very emotional, and you can tell he has a great love for his subject matter — the agricultural landscapes that surround this area," Neuwirth said.
The 27-year-old's show drew a lot of attention.
"We had more people in the gallery than ever before. People who have no connection to him are responding to his work, including a women from Madison who had never been to Reedsburg before," Neuwirth said. "He's emotional and enthusiastic, and that comes out in his painting."
Martin described the experience as "awesome" and was keen on sharing the fact that he sold pieces during the installation.
Martin paints in a semi-impressionistic style, which captures light and motion in paint. He's quick to say, however, that he doesn't feel qualified to be described as such. "Being mentioned along with great artists like Monet and Cezanne — whoa, I'm not there yet," he said.
Martin enjoys conversing with passersby when he's working, so if you see him and his easel feel free to chat.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Photo's from Homegrown

Friday night was my first exhibition and the gallery looked great. Thanks to all the family and friends that came out to celebrate. I will be working in the galler on Saturday the 27th from 2pm until 5, so if you missed it, please stop down then.




Photo Credit: Josh Hess

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Purchasing Information

Thanks for showing interest in my work. If you'd like to purchase a painting please email me:

All my paintings are made with professional oil paint on stretched canvas. These paintings will last many lifetimes and will become a true family heirloom.

If you live within 30 miles of Reedsburg, WI I will personally deliver the painting to you.
If you live outside the area, no problem! I will ship the painting out at no additional charge!

I can accept payment a few different ways:
1. Check By Mail. I will send you my address after you contact me by email
2. Paypal. The easiest way to pay with your credit card, right over the computer!
3. Cash on delivery. (Only available if I am delivering the painting.)

Please feel free to contact me for commission work also. My main goal is to create for your family an heirloom that will last many lifetimes!

Kyle Martin.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Morning Effect

I was up early friday morning to capture the early morning light at the view where County S cuts off from 23. Fog and shades of pink are 2 of my favorite things to paint. 12x16 oil on canvas.

Between Storms

Here is a cloudscape painted Saturday evening just after a heavy downpour. There was a brilliant effect happening with the sun shining behind the clouds that just had to be painted. 16x20 oil on canvas.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Rainy Thursday

This was painted under an umbrella during thrusday's rain. When you've gotta paint, you've gotta paint! 10x20, oil on canvas.

You're Invited!

Friday, September 19th join me at the Wollen Mill Gallery in Reedsburg for an exhibition of my recent paintings.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Memorial Union Terrace 9/09/08

I was in Madison tuesday morning and made time to paint some anchored sailboats. I consider myself lucky that they are still out there, they probably won't be for long. 12x16 oil on canvas. Photobucket Image Hosting

Friday, September 5, 2008

Roecker's Farm 9/05/08

Looking down from a hayfield, this farm is located behind Land's End in Reedsburg. The far away hills are what drew me to this location and the clouds couldn't have been better.
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