
Friday, July 30, 2010

Blue Heron Show Opens Today

I have most of the paintings from the Blue Heron show online, just scroll down the page.
The opening is today, from noon until 9pm.
Blue Heron Email

If you cannot attend the opening, please leave me a comment.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

40 Paintings - Opening this Friday!

I'm pleased to announce that the Blue Heron will be showing my work.
The opening is this Friday, from noon until 9pm.
Please attend the opening opening, and tell your friends. You can register to win an original painting.

The exhibition will also be posted here on the blog, this week.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer 'Scapes

I have a one man show coming up fast - less than 2 weeks!

"Ironton Humidity" 16"x20" oil on oil primed canvas.

"Out by Hoy's house" 18"x24" oil on canvas.

"Bender's International" 11"x14" oil on canvas.

"Harm's Farm" 16"x20" oil on canvas.

Oh and one more that I dug up from the spring.
daffodil 9"x12" oil on canvas.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Rounds

Last week had plenty of sunshine. It was the perfect time to bale hay. We all knew that the rain was coming Sunday evening.
This was painted on Ableman Rd, east of Reedsburg. I had plenty of visitors this morning, Ray Astle was picking up a load of his own and stopped to chat, Nick Miller was on the way to go fishing and stopped for a while and Anne and Errol Beth pulled over for a quick look. For an 11x14, I sure was pokey, I'm lucky I made it to work at all that day!

11"x14" oil on canvas.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer on Vine St.

I don't think there is a nicer neighborhood than the one I live in. The trees hang right over the street, giving shade from the sun. In July, that is a good thing!
Here is one I'd like to share from Vine St.

16"x20" oil on canvas.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Reedsburg Historical Photo's Now Online - Thanks Paul!

One of Reedsburg's finest, Paul Schonfeld, has recently undertaken the large project of uploading the Library's collection of historical photographs.

Here is a couple of photos that caught my eye right off the bat. The Reedsburg Woolen Mill, now the Wollen Mill Gallery, burning. The fire looks interesting, almost painted on - possibly due to a long exposure time?


And here is the Big Store fire. Gary Cooper, my neighbor, told me that on this night his parents brought him down to watch the fire. Over a police radio, he heard someone in Madison ask what that big glow was coming from our direction.

You can check the photo's out, by clicking the link below. It's some pretty interesting stuff. Paul will be working on getting more posts over the next several days/weeks. If you visit the site, please be sure to leave a comment.

For more Paul, check his blog Tell Everyone at