
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

GOLDEN LIGHT - New Paintings Premiere October 16

The Golden Hour has always inspired me and connected me to a sense of calm creative wonder. The subtle brilliance of the setting sun offers clarity and wipes away the business of the day. The golden hour offers inspiration in the moment, and it is a ritual for me to paint during this favorite time of day.

The Fall Art Tour has gone virtual for 2020. 

I will be premiering new art every day, virtually, during the Fall Art Tour. 

On Friday October 16, at 10 am, I will premiere a new video featuring my Golden Hour collection. The paintings will also go live on my website and online store for sale at that time. My Golden Hour pieces are my most treasured paintings, and  this show is my way to share the moment and the feeling of the Golden Hour with you. 

On Saturday, October 17, at 10 am, I will be showing my new pastel paintings here on my blog and also on my online store. I enjoy working with pastels and find that they are a great compliment to my oil paintings. As an impressionist painter, pastels work well to layer different colors and to create shimmering effects. Autumn leaves falling, brilliant blue skies, and and intense evening colors will all be shown in my pastel paintings.

On Sunday, October 18, at 10 am, I will be showing a selection of works from my archive. Some of these paintings will go back a dozen years. Standing at the easel, and painting on location burns the experience into my memory - when I look at paintings that I created over a decade ago, my mind travels back to the moment. It will be fun to revisit some works through the years and to share the stories of the paintings with you. 

It won't be the same Fall Art Tour, without you all in my Chicken Coop Studio, but I am going to do everything that I can to give you a great virtual show.


Many artists on the Fall Art Tour have online stores, and you can check everyone out at

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Late Summer Paintings

Autumn is such a wonderful time of year. As the late summer changes to fall, we are already starting to see so many signs of Autumn, including the changing leaves and falling temperatures. The days are beginning to shorten, the mornings are often foggy, and the corn is almost ready to harvest.

Late in the day, the brilliant sun still hangs onto that summer feeling, but the landscape is changing.
These paintings show that transition, and they were painted in August of 2020.