
Monday, May 8, 2023

More New Work

Barn Shapes 24x18"
This is the barn here on our farm, where I milked cows as a youth. I can remember looking out the barn door at sunrise and seeing the pasture transformed by the morning sunlight and thinking that some day I would learn to paint the landscape under different lighting conditions.

Mirror Lake 
I was invited to paint at this secret location on Mirror Lake earlier this year. I was inspired by the dappled light falling onto the sandstone rocks on the side that I was standing on as well as the play of light and shadow on the trees and rocks across the lake.
36x48" oil on canvas $2000

Percy's Volkswagen Service Station 9x12"
I made this painting on a Friday afternoon in May. As I was getting started, the mechanic parked a station wagon in front of the blue bus. I asked him if there was any way that he could move the car so that I could have a view of the blue bus. He obliged, and moved the car. After an hour of working, he had too many cars, and parked a brown bus in the way. That was when I knew it was time to finish up for the day.
9x12" oil on panel $250

Percy's Volkswagen Service Station 
This is a painting that I created on location at Percy's Volkswagen Service Station on Monroe Street. I was drawn to the colors of the air-cooled VW bug and bus, and decided to paint them on a Sunday afternoon in May. The spring Sunlight sparkles off of the chrome, paint and glass.
16x24" oil on panel $800

Corbin McDaniel 9 Months Pregnant with a Boquet of Violets Next to Her

Ableman Road Thunderhead 24"x18"
My Dog Porter and I walk past this farm on Ableman Road every day. One evening, there was a billowing thunderhead above, and I used this inspiration to create this painting of the old, falling-down barn under the electric storm above.
18x24" oil on canvas $800