
Thursday, July 23, 2009

After School Studies - Saturday Night!



  1. Kyle,

    The pieces look wonderful!
    I am sad I can't come to the opening, but I will tell my parents and anyone else I can think of.
    I am still in Brazil and will be here until August.
    After that, I will be moving to Miami until December.
    Way to go...!

    Can I commission a painting?
    My dad had his parents farm painted as a gift for them while he was in college. A few years back, we built a house just behind the old farm, which now belongs to a family friend. The landscape has shifted now, but I think it would mean a lot to them to see your perspective, observing the changes the years have made. Let me know what you think:)

  2. HOw is the show going? Pics look great..Dan

  3. Your work is SO good! I particularly like the one with the big rocks by the pond. Wow!

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