
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Decompression, reflecting on the show, and playing catch-up.

The Blue Heron show has been going very well. Last week, Thursday, was the opening night, and was very busy.

The best part of showing work is reconnecting with friends you haven't seen in a while.
Marla Brenner stopped by Saturday afternoon. She was my design and typeography teacher in college. Rhythm! Thanks Marla!

Nancy Herzog and Chris Gargan were in town on Sunday. I have spent many mornings trying to keep up with Chris... he completes HUGE canvases in the field with luminous color. Teacher, painter and enforcer on the ice - Chris holds it down. Nancy and Chris have both been instrumental in my developement as an artist.

Since the opening, I have been out in the field as much as possible, in blaze orange of course. The days after Thanksgiving were unbelievably sunny and warm, I was able to play catch-up on some plein air painting. Finally, on Sunday, I blocked in a quick still life painting demo for the final day of the opening.

Thanks to Larry, Kay, Dana and Heidi at the Blue Heron for a great time. They know how to throw a party, and thanks to everyone who made it to the show. The work will remain up at the Blue Heron.

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