
Friday, January 8, 2016

Apples on Pattern - January 8 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Apples on Pattern oil on canvas
Today, I met with the neighbor, who is making me some frames. I've been painting 8x8's for the 30 in 30, so I asked if he'd make me some frames in that size. He has his own saw mill, and he cuts some good looking boards from trees that he cuts down himself. I'll be showing my 30 paintings in 30 days on Saturday the 30th, on the Cool Boo Studio Tour. My stop on the tour will be at the Baraboo Arts Building, which is an old shed for the Ringling Brothers Circus. For more info on that, you can check out the facebook page at:


  1. Love the subtleness.. will you be doing floating frames?

  2. Hi Carol,
    Thank you :)
    Yes, I have a good stock of floater frames in this size from
    They have a nice price and I enjoy both the natural and black.
    Have a nice day,
