
Friday, January 29, 2016

Still Life

Lemon Still Life 6x8" oil on canvas $99

This is a painting that I painted during the first week of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. The best part of the challenge is that I've found myself painting at times of the day that I probably would not be during this month. If I had things to do during the day, there is no relaxing on the couch in the evening, it's firing up the stove in the chicken coop studio and chiseling away at another painting. This was one of those paintings, where it was late into the evening.

Today we set up for the Cool Boo Open Studio's. I'll be showing with several other painters and artists at the Baraboo Arts building on Saturday the 30th. Two of those people happen to be my girlfriend and bestfriend Josh! We set up our booths today, and I'm happy for how each of ours turned out.

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