
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

2018 Fall Art Tour

Grote Hill Road - Late Light
There was some terrible flooding in my area over the past couple of months. In September, my farm flooded twice in two weeks. It was not quite as bad as in 2008, but it was close.
One bad part of the flooding, that I wouldn't think of, were the mosquitos. All that standing water gave them the perfect environment to multiply. 
I painted this view of a barn on Grote Hill, during the flood. It was higher ground than my farm, and I ended up out in that area for several evenings. Every night, at 6pm, the mosquitos would pay a visit, and make it unbearable to work. Even though it was hot, I wore a hooded sweatshirt and gloves to keep them away. 
As uncomfortable as they made me,  they may have helped me keep this canvas simple and graphic. It is easy to see and paint too much as a painter, and I think this work retains my first impression of the scene.
The mosquitos are not as bad now, since the temperatures have dropped.

Grote Hill Road- Late Light $500 framed. 14x18"

Terrytown Farm 
When I paint on location, en plein air, I pull my car over and set up my easel in the ditch. I see some interesting people when I am out painting. On this day, a woman commented that she had seen me out on Terrytown Road painting several times over the years, and that she couldn't believe that I would paint such an ugly location. Her opinion of the road made me realize that my optimistic view of cluttered farm yards is not universal. I never have thought of Terrytown Road as ugly, or any of the farms that are on it. I simply see shapes of color and compositional opportunities. 
Terrytown Farm 12"x16" $450 framed

Frozen Stream
I found this little painting when I was cleaning the Chicken Coop Studio for the tour. It is a stream on my farm from last December. The meandering stream was frozen, and a little bit of snow was on the surface. This made a stark contrast from the darker tones of the forrest and ochre grasses. 
I love painting on overcast days during the late autumn and winter. The ochres and violets are so interesting during that time of year. I also paint on my own property quite a bit during those months, because that is the only time of year that I can get around the marshy areas because it's too muddy during the warmer months.

Frozen Stream-  8x8" $200 framed.

Terrytown Farm - Afternoon Light
I was working on this canvas in July, with my umbrella over me. I stand under an umbrella when I paint, to keep the sunlight off of my canvas and my palette. If you paint with sun on the canvas, your color will look very vivid and bright while you are outside, but once you hang it on the wall in your studio, the colors will sink and look very grey and dark. It's not easy to use an umbrella with any wind, but I would rather struggle with it blowing away than muddy colors.
Terrytown Farm - Afternoon Light 22x28" $750 framed.

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